Alfie McLoughlin

Student, Athlete, Mathematician
Alfie McLoughlin
I'm a high school senior passionate about mathematics, soccer, and helping others succeed. As the founder of our school's peer tutoring club and a student taking multivariate calculus, I combine my love for advanced mathematics with a commitment to making education accessible to all.

Academic Achievements

• Accelerated Mathematics Path - Completed two years of middle school math in one year (6th grade)
• Advanced Placement Success - Completed AP Calculus BC ahead of typical schedule
• Current Coursework - Studying Multivariate Calculus as a high school senior
• Mathematics Course Progression:
   - Algebra 2 Honors
   - Precalculus Honors
   - AP Calculus BC
   - Multivariate Calculus
• Founder and President of Peer Tutoring Club - Organized and led initiative providing over 500 hours of free tutoring in 2023-24

Athletic Journey

• Varsity Soccer Team (2023-24)
• Junior Varsity Team Captain (2022-23)
• 6+ years of competitive club soccer experience
• Started playing in AYSO system (4th grade), progressing to competitive club level
• Demonstrated resilience through injury recovery (2019-21) to return to competitive play

Leadership & Community Impact

• Established and grew school's first peer tutoring program
• Developed systematic approach to match tutors with students needing support
• Created sustainable program structure that will continue after graduation
• Focused on making advanced mathematics accessible to fellow students

Projects & Research

• Research Paper (WIP - pending publication in high school mathematics journal): Applications of Multivariable Calculus in Market Dynamics
• Developed mathematical models for cryptocurrency market behavior
• Created Python implementations of various financial algorithms
Alfie with Soccer Team
2023 Varsity Soccer Team


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